My Sticking Point

sticking point
1. a point beyond which someone or something will not budge
2. a point or issue that causes action, negotiations, etc. to come to a standstill

After about a year of using Medifast on and off, I’ve realized that I have a sticking point. And my sticking point is 210 pounds. (My goal weight is 190.) I’ve lost 60 pounds since I decided to get serious about getting skinny. But every time I reach 210 pounds it’s like I hit a wall.

The first time I hit 210 pounds, I was ecstatic because that was the least I had weighed since high school. But, I think it also caused me to lose some mental focus. I felt like I had reached a goal and I relaxed. I dropped off Medifast and my weight hovered between 210-215 pounds. This was still pretty awesome compared to hovering between 265-270 which I had done for many years. But, the fact remains that I haven’t reached my goal. I’ve experienced some success but I have not succeeded.

If I’ve lost 60 pounds, why can’t I succeed in losing the final 20? It’s definitely not Medifast’s fault. It’s mine.

During my weight loss journey, I haven’t really confronted the emotional/psychological reasons that I got fat in the first place. And I have a suspicion that those are the reasons that I sputter out just as I get into the home stretch. As I get closer to the goal, I am getting also getting closer to the root of my problems.

Over the next few weeks, I will be exploring some of emotional and psychological aspects of weight loss. It won’t be specifically related to Medifast, so I hope you’ll bear with me. I also hope that these posts will trigger some discussion from you guys.

For those of you who have asked:

Yes, I’m currently on the program. I am still a fan and a believer. However, I won’t be posting regular updates about my weight loss. This site originally started out as a personal blog, but over time it has developed into a pretty extensive resource for Medifast information. I feel like going into so much details with the numbers is kind of distracting to me and to all the regular readers.

When I reach my goal weight, I will definitely let you know. At that time, I will have a lot to share with you.

Today’s Question…

Do you have a sticking point when it comes to weight loss?

10 thoughts on “My Sticking Point”

  1. I gained 15 pounds back from 35/ I have been working out consistantly and eating under 6 carbs a day (each carb is = 20 grams ) less than 6 grams of sugar. I am devastated, upset and depressed. To think I have to do medifast forever just is not a life.


    1. Yleana,

      This is my first time AND first week on Medifast and your post really scares me because I too have had problems in the past with gaining weight during and after a diet despite doing my best to eat right and exercise. I don’t have enough experience with the program to make any suggestions but the only thing that comes to mind is that somehow your body seems to be working against you. This usually means its time to mix it up, whether it be changing your exercise or eating routine. I suggest you reference the myMF site – perhaps the section on plateaus – to see if there are others with similar experience who can offer some advice. Best of luck to you and please let me know how it goes. Hang in there!

  2. I lost 42 lbs. on Medifast. After 2 years, and bad habits, I’ve gained back 25 in less than 5 months. Namely no time and eating on the run…fast food. Stress. Depression. I just started back on Medifast. I know how to keep it off once I get to my goal. I just need to learn my triggers and learn how to break the cycle. My health coach really pushed the book Dr. A’s Habits of Health and the companion book Living a Longer Healthier Life who is involved in Take Shape for Life. I thought scam, but after reading the first few chapters, I think it’s really going to be helpful, especially as I work through the companion book. It might be something to check out.

    1. I’m new to the program; first week. I’ve done about a month’s worth of reading/reseaching Medifast (love this site). And Susan, your comment is the first I’ve heard anyone mention a health coach. I ordered my Meals online, then at the County Fair, found a booth for Take Shape for Life. With a Medifast account I was told I could receive free personal coaching and pay less for meals. I verified with Medifast, it’s legit. I cancelled my auto delivery VIP account with Medifast (~$300) and my health coach will now order what I like next month from Medifast (~$266). She also calls me everyday for progress and accountablity. Per my concerns, she’s got me off Altoids (2 carbs each and lots of sugar) and onto Listerine breath spray. Introduced me to Walden Farms products – no sugar, no carbs…(diabetic section in grocery store) and I’ve lost 7 lbs in 4 days. (Weight: 177 Goal: 135) After this first week, she’ll call once per week for my progress. Really hoping she’ll have the secrets to getting the final lbs off. I’m wondering, do most Medifast dieters have health coaches? Mine is great.

      1. hi,i’m thinking about doing this diet my goals are similar to yours how are you doing after a month? Do you think you are losing to fast?

    2. Very true. Dr. Andersen’s book will give you all the info and ways to get this weight off and keep it off. It is you that has to make the decision to do the plan. Optimal health is my goal, so I am learning how to acquire that. It is not about the Medifast meals forever, but I will tell you this…as long as I can afford them I will NEVER be without them. They are too convenient for me to pack a little ice chest with ice bricks and two shakes and have two bars in my purse. I am prepared for the day and off I go, knowing I don’t have to make off plan choices for food for the day. It has been said…if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. I believe that is a truth. I find it very easy and I hope you will too. Keep up the faith. You will get there.

      1. Karen, I too carry around bars and pretzels in my purse – lately I just ignore them. It has been a long summer and after going off the program in April – I am ready to begin again first thing in the morning. I lost 40 lbs in 4 months before and feel confident that the program works and that I can keep it off. I have gained about 10 lbs in the last 4 months – and know all the reasons for that. The fault is my own. I will keep at it!

          Like many bloggers we all reach a sticking point.i have lost 75lbs but am so bored with Medifast that only my conscience keeps me interested.
          More new and different products are sorely needed especially to start the day.I can only eat so much oatmeal and the scrambled eggs are even worse than my military days!
          Medifast is an effective way to lose weight but oh sooo boring!

          1. John – This may sound like bad advice, but if you are getting really sick of it, why don’t you take a break and eat only Lean and Green meals for a week or so. Stay away from grains of any kind and concentrate on lean meats, fruits and vegetables and maybe even nuts (in limited quantities). I’ve done this a few times and have found that I didn’t gain any weight back. Sometimes I continued to lose. The thing that always kills me is that I start feeling optimistic and end up eating bread or pizza. Then it’s like flipping a switch and it’s all downhill from there until I come crawling back.

    3. You have a great health coach! Dr. A’s book and workbook is our manual
      For learning how to create good health in our lives. I love the program! I find it
      Easy and so convenient. If your food becomes boring do something about it. Change
      It up so that you make it more tasty. There are many ways to do this. In the whole
      Scheme of things, we are each responsible for our own bodies and our choices
      Make that difference. Good luck to all. I am just so grateful every day that I
      Found this wonderful program.

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